Top 4 Features Of Nickel Alloys

Nickel alloy has proven its value in the industrial world and always has the potential to providing better industrial materials in the future. It is not something that has been discovered recently. Even in ancient times, man has already been using nickel alloy. Nickel alloy were used for weapons, tools, coins, and other artifacts. One might be curious as to what the features of nickel alloy are. Here are some examples:



Heat-resistance is a very important aspect that industrial metals must possess. Well, nickel alloy has a high tolerance of heat. That is why it is the metal preferred in environments where the temperature gets to its high extremes. It is also used for those machines that are designed to produce very high temperatures such as industrial furnaces. Of course, nickel alloys of various types also vary when it comes to heat resistance. For example, there is nickel-chromium which has been proven to maintain its stability even in 760-degree Celsius.


Metals that corrode easily are seldom used in the industry. After all, corrosion is something that people would want to be the last thing for them to worry about. That is why it is very practical to invest in metals that have a high resistance level for corrosion and one of these is nickel-alloy. Nickel alloys have been proven to have a slow rate of oxidation. One can remember that metals rust as they encounter oxidation – a fact that is taught at school. Because nickel alloys do not corrode easily, most experts find them fit for use most especially in water environments.


Nickel alloys are also considered as low-expansion alloys. Alloys with this feature are expected to be durable as well as accurate even when subject to a wide range of temperatures. Aside from being used to make pipes, nickel alloys are used in motor valves, and various types of precision instruments basically because it has a predictable rate of expansion. Aside from nickel alloys, other low expansion alloys include the Invar 36 and the Le Alloy 62.

Has shape memory

Shape memory refers to the capability of a certain metal to go back to its previous state after being subject to heat. There are only two types of alloys that have shape memory. These are nickel-titanium and copper-aluminum-nickel. At times, even zinc and iron alloys are used as substitute for these main two types. It is because of its shape memory that nickel alloys are very practical in industries like the biomedical, robotic, and automotive industries. It is even used in the field of medicine, particularly in the fields of dentistry and orthopedics.

These are just some of the features of nickel alloys. Because of these amazing features, it is without a doubt that nickel alloys are perfect materials for manufacturing steel pipes. Resistaloy Inc. has been providing high quality stainless steel pipes and nickel piping products. Established in 1967, we have eventually become one of the leading suppliers of industrial needs to numerous Canadian-based companies.

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